2020 – Speaks Volumes!

Did you know that those four numbers …just those four numbers – in THAT sequence – speak volumes? They do. 2020 – Speaks Volumes.

Has there ever been a time when a set of numbers speaks volumes to you? For example, I remember Prince’s song “1999” and thinking about how amazing the turn of the century would be and calculating how old I would be. I remember thinking that 1999 was so far away! Or what about 9/11? Those numbers certainly speak volumes to us.

Around New Year’s Eve, I saw many party themes and references to the Roaring 20’s. This idea of our new decade certainly provided a fun-loving and fabulous outlet for all of us who are intrigued with the era of mobsters, flappers, and prohibition. Perhaps those years speak to those of us who have a little spark inside us – a bit of rebellion from the norm, if you will. Or maybe we are inspired by the grit and determination of our ancestors who dug in and survived the Great Depression. What a fire they must have had in their bellies!

The last 28 years (or so) of my life have taught me many lessons – as life has a tendency to do if you live long enough – think: Great Depression! Some lessons I did not master immediately. Some of the lessons had differentiated formats and provided many opportunities for practice prior to mastery.

These lessons are rarely easy.

These lessons are filled with challenges and are often the result of stubborn wills and ego-driven decisions.

With each lesson, though, a spark flashed inside of me.

spark: a very small piece of fire that flies out from something that is burning or one that is made by rubbing two hard things together

– Cambridge Dictionary (www.dictionary.cambridge.org)
2020 - speaks volumes

Now, 2020, is the time for me to do something with that spark. It is time for me to fuel that spark from a very small piece of fire into a flame. It is time for me to share my flame, my light, with others.

So for me, 2020 brings ignition. It brings a desire for a fully engulfed soul that is burning to live fully each day. Yes, EACH day. For me, 2020 brings opportunities.

I think it will for you too.

What type of opportunities, you ask? Well, I guess all the normal cliche opportunities:

  • Opportunities for growth;
  • Opportunities for reflection;
  • Opportunities for fine-tuning;
  • Opportunities for clarity; and
  • Opportunities for choice.

2020 speaks volumes when I consider the following:

HINDSIGHT – isn’t that what they say about hindsight? That it is 2020?

VISION – isn’t perfect vision considered 2020?

The PRESENT – that IS our decade!

I hope this year – 2020 – speaks volumes to you. I hope 2020 will provide the opportunity for striking the match to begin (or continue!) to ignite2bu. It has for me. Join me.

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